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Refugee to Real Estate Developer (#8)

Kostadin Demirov

Refugee turned Real Estate Developer, Kostadin Demirov (a.k.a. Kosta) came to Canada as a refugee from Bulgaria. From humble beginnings, through hard work, long-term planning, and resourcefulness, he managed to work his way up to becoming a real estate developer. While we mainly focus on his real estate development journey in this episode of the Real Estate Development Insights Podcast, his story is representative of a very important threads that forms the Canadian fabric. 

Kosta - Refugee to Real Estate Developer

In this episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Kosta, a Bulgarian refugee who arrived in Canada in 1990 and transitioned into a successful real estate developer in Toronto. Kosta recounts his initial years working as an electrician and then starting his own renovation business. Through determination and a passion for building, Kosta eventually embarked on his first major development project. He details the challenges he faced, including navigating the complexities of construction during the COVID-19 pandemic, managing risks, and the importance of assembling a reliable team. Kosta also shares insights into his long-term goals, strategies for overcoming doubts, and the invaluable lessons he’s learned about patience and persistence in the real estate industry.

  • First Steps into Real Estate Development
  • Navigating Financial Risks and Securing CMHC Financing
  • Building a Strong Team In Real Estate Development
  • Securing Permits and Overcoming COVID-19 Challenges 
  • Hands-On Developer Experience
  • Navigating Construction Challenges
  • Building Relationships with Neighbors
  • Becoming a Landlord
  • Implementing Geothermal Systems
  • Reflecting on Lessons Learned 
  • Advice for Aspiring Developers
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Payam Noursalehi
Payam Noursalehi

A Real Estate & Construction Professional with a passion for Mid-Rise projects. His experience comes from his exposure to multiple aspects of the industry, such as Engineering, Construction Management, Development Management, and Private Equity Investment.

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